Energy & Green Tech

Green roofs or green buildings?

Imagine flying over Denver and spotting a cluster of downtown skyscrapers with vast swaths of green roofs visible at different heights. It would be enchanting, and it would be green—figuratively and literally.


A smarter way of building with mobile robots

Researchers are working with a mobile robotic platform called Husky A200 that could be used for autonomous logistic tasks on construction sites. This mobile robot is one of many projects pursued by the Fraunhofer Italia Innovation ...


Unbuilding cities as high-rises reach their use-by date

We are entering a new world where skyscrapers and other huge buildings are becoming redundant and need significant overhaul or replacement. The process is called unbuilding or, if you're a bit highfalutin, deconstruction.


Taking the carbon out of construction with engineered wood

To meet the long-term goals of the Paris Agreement on climate change—keeping global warming well below 2 degrees Celsius and ideally capping it at 1.5 C—humanity will ultimately need to achieve net-zero emissions of greenhouse ...


Modern construction using long-forgotten techniques

Researchers at ETH Zurich's Department of Architecture (D-ARCH) have developed a concrete floor system that does not require steel reinforcement and is 70 percent lighter than conventional concrete floors. Their design was ...

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