Hi Tech & Innovation

Five ways AI could make your car as smart as a human passenger

Driving long distances without a passenger can be lonely. If you've ever done it, you might have wished for a companion to talk to—someone emotionally intelligent who can understand you and help you on the road. The disembodied ...


Study: Older drivers need more time to react to road hazards

Imagine you're sitting in the driver's seat of an autonomous car, cruising along a highway and staring down at your smartphone. Suddenly, the car detects a moose charging out of the woods and alerts you to take the wheel. ...

Hi Tech & Innovation

Vehicle-to-vehicle Volvo style to swing big in Europe

Vehicle to vehicle communication is on auto industry minds as an important technology piece determining our safe driving future. Discussions around vehicle to vehicle "connected cars" are all about cars communicating with ...

What are these 'levels' of autonomous vehicles?

As automated and autonomous vehicles become more common on U.S. roads, it's worth a look at what these machines can – and can't – do. At the University of Michigan's Mcity, where I serve as director, we're working to ...

Hi Tech & Innovation

Self-driving cars and humans face inevitable collisions

In 1938, when there were just about one-tenth the number of cars on U.S. roadways as there are today, a brilliant psychologist and a pragmatic engineer joined forces to write one of the most influential works ever published ...

Hi Tech & Innovation

The sounds of safer driving

Have you listened to your car lately? In-vehicle sound technology designed at Michigan Technological University could keep your eyes on the road and your emotions in check.

Hi Tech & Innovation

Smart Windshield is concept for motorbike rider safety

The obvious advice for bike riders as well as car drivers is the same: stay focused. Avoid messaging and phone calls that could take your mind off the most important activity facing you, handling the car or bike on the road. ...

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