Energy & Green Tech

Electric vehicles could be powered by hydrogen harvested from sewage

Wastewater treatment is vital to remove pathogens, but is incredibly energy intensive. The ability to treat it more sustainably is a challenge researchers from WMG, University of Warwick have been able to achieve, using recycled ...


Major climate benefits when ships 'fly' over the surface

Soon, electric passenger ferries crossing the sea by skimming above the surface may become a reality. At Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, a research team has created a unique method for further developing hydrofoils ...

Energy & Green Tech

Researchers think soot can help with the energy transition

Turning environmental pollutants into renewable solar energy while reducing carbon emissions may seem like something plucked out of a science-fiction film, but researchers from the University of Houston and Mexico's Universidad ...


Sustainably produced high-speed helicopters

Fast, lightweight and fuel efficient: RACER, the high-speed helicopter reaches flying speeds of up to 400 kilometers per hour. The components of its outer shell are made by an innovative, highly automated manufacturing process. ...

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