Energy & Green Tech

Untapped solar and wind potential in Swiss mountains

Scientists at EPFL and the WSL Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research SLF have issued recommendations for what type of renewable energy should be produced in Switzerland's various regions, to help achieve the country's ...

Energy & Green Tech

The missing component of energy models: People

A team of Carnegie Mellon University researchers led by Turner Cotterman, an engineering and public policy (EPP) Ph.D. student, has shown that sustainably decarbonizing our energy system by 2050 will require us to change ...


Judge offers tough questions as Epic-Apple trial draws to close

A federal judge peppered attorneys for Apple and Epic Games with pointed questions Monday on the workings of the massive Apple online marketplace as a high-stakes trial with implications for the mobile commerce world concluded.


Pentagon reconsidering huge JEDI cloud-computing contract

The Pentagon is reconsidering how to make a massive shift to cloud computing, officials said Monday, suggesting it could scrap the so-called JEDI contract potentially worth $10 billion that was awarded to Microsoft Corp. ...


AI, captain! First autonomous ship prepares for maiden voyage

The "Mayflower 400"—the world's first intelligent ship—bobs gently in a light swell as it stops its engines in Plymouth Sound, off England's southwest coast, before self-activating a hydrophone designed to listen to whales.


France claims EU green light for more Air France aid

The French government said Sunday it has reached a deal with the European Commission allowing it to inject fresh money into flagship airline Air France, whose finances are creaking under the impact of coronavirus restrictions.


COVID-19-related cyberattacks leveraged government announcements

There has been a remarkable surge in cyber-security crime experienced during the global COVID-19 pandemic, with a particular significance between governmental policy announcements and cyber-crime campaigns. A consortium of ...

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