Energy & Green Tech

Untapped solar and wind potential in Swiss mountains

Scientists at EPFL and the WSL Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research SLF have issued recommendations for what type of renewable energy should be produced in Switzerland's various regions, to help achieve the country's ...


Matching energy supply and demand in buildings

As power grids evolve to incorporate new variable renewable energy sources and adapt to growing peak electricity demands, balancing the grid—scheduling appropriate electricity supply to match demand—will become increasingly ...


New system uses floor vibrations to detect building occupants

Thanks to a new system developed at EPFL, building owners can detect the number of occupants and track their movement using sensors installed on floor slabs. This novel approach could be particularly useful for enhancing ...


What can Wikipedia tell us about human interaction?

EPFL researchers have studied the dynamics of network structures using one of the world's most-visited websites: Wikipedia. In addition to a better understanding of online networks, their work brings exciting insights into ...

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