Machine learning & AI

AI tool creates deceptive Biden, Trump images, tests show

Tests on a leading AI tool allowed the creation of deceptive and incriminating images of President Joe Biden and Donald Trump, a watchdog said Wednesday, despite pledges to block fake photos of the presidential contenders ...


HTC boss welcomes Apple VR competition

The boss of consumer electronics firm HTC on Monday welcomed Apple's launch of its own a mixed reality headset, saying it will help the technology take off and become mainstream.

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Chief executive officer

A chief executive officer (CEO) or chief executive is one of the highest-ranking corporate officers (executives) or administrators in charge of total management. An individual selected as president and CEO of a corporation, company, organization, or agency, reports to the board of directors. In internal communication and press releases, many companies capitalize the term and those of other high positions, even when they are not proper nouns.

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