
Media company Ozy is shutting down as problems mount

Ozy is shutting down less than a week after a New York Times column raised questions about the media organization's claims of millions of viewers and readers, while also pointing out a potential case of securities fraud.


Netflix to rely on Microsoft for its ad-backed video service

Netflix has picked Microsoft to help deliver the commercials in a cheaper version of its video streaming service expected to launch later this year with a pledge to minimize the intrusions into personal privacy that often ...

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Chief operating officer

A chief operating officer or chief operations officer (COO) is a corporate officer responsible for managing the day-to-day activities of the corporation and for operations management (OM). The COO is one of the highest-ranking members of an organization's senior management, monitoring the daily operations of the company and reporting to the board of directors and the top executive officer, usually the chief executive officer (CEO). The COO is usually an executive or senior officer.

The focus of the COO is on operations management, which means he is responsible for the development, design, operation, and improvement of the systems that create and deliver the firm's products/services. The duties of the COO may reside in certain organizations with a vice president of operations. The COO is responsible for ensuring that business operations are efficient and effective and that proper management of resources, distribution of goods and services to customers, and analysis of queue systems is done.

COOs ideally need to have domain knowledge of the business & industry, understand modern management theories (Total Quality Management, Kaizen), employ process/quality improvement techniques (business process reengineering, Six Sigma) and sometimes quality process standards if required by customers or desired by the company (ISO 9001).

Functions of a COO:

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