
A renewable energy-based bi-directional heat trade system

Global energy trends are shifting toward digitalization, decarbonization and decentralization. Global warming and climate anomalies attributable to environmental pollution featured in the daily news indicate that the threats ...

Energy & Green Tech

Why nuclear energy isn't a safe bet in a warming world

The overwhelming majority of nuclear power stations active today entered service long before the science of climate change was well-established. Two in five nuclear plants operate on the coast and at least 100 have been built ...


How to create better cities when the pandemic is over

Throughout the past year of working from home, I have gone for numerous morning, lunchtime and evening walks around my neighborhood in the Eastern parts of Lund in Sweden. My neighborhood has three dams for storing stormwater ...

Energy & Green Tech

US to invest $1.2 bn on facilities to pull carbon from air

The US government said Friday it will spend up to $1.2 billion for two pioneering facilities to vacuum carbon out of the air, a historic gamble on a still developing technology to combat global warming that is criticized ...

Energy & Green Tech

Renewables booming but not enough to meet climate targets: UN

The world added 12 percent more clean power capacity in 2019 than the year before, but new renewable energy planned over the next decade falls far short of what is needed to forestall dangerous global warming, the UN warned ...

Energy & Green Tech

How Italy's generous green homes scheme turned 'wicked'

An Italian scheme to make homes more energy efficient has been wildly popular, but the government is seeking to rein in its "out of control" costs amid fears it could send the deficit soaring.

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