Energy & Green Tech

How rising gas prices emphasize the need for renewable energy

The war in Ukraine has caused oil prices to surge to the highest level since 2008, with gas prices in some areas of California creeping up to $6 per gallon. Rising prices have led renewable energy advocates like Tesla CEO ...


Solar energy cheaper even than existing coal-fired power stations

Solar energy is one of the most cost-effective ways to generate electricity, cheaper even than existing coal-fired power stations, says environmental and technology expert Professor Ravi Silva, director of the Advanced Technology ...

Energy & Green Tech

Bill Gates venture picks Wyoming city for sodium nuke plant

A small city in the top U.S. coal-mining state of Wyoming will be home to a Bill Gates-backed experimental nuclear power project near a coal-fired power plant that will soon close, officials announced Tuesday.

Energy & Green Tech

The coal price has skyrocketed in 2021: What it means for net zero

It is only a few days since the latest report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) signaled the dire consequences of human-induced climate change. At the heart of this stark warning by UN Secretary General ...

Energy & Green Tech

China's bitcoin mining rush risks derailing climate goals

China's electricity-hungry bitcoin mines that power nearly 80 percent of the global trade in cryptocurrencies risk undercutting the country's climate goals, a study in the journal Nature Communications said on Tuesday.

Energy & Green Tech

What's really driving coal power's demise?

People often point to plunging natural gas prices as the reason U.S. coal-fired power plants have been shutting down at a faster pace in recent years. However, new research shows two other forces had a much larger effect: ...

Energy & Green Tech

In Dubai, oil-rich UAE sees a new wonder: A coal power plant

A new wonder is rising in the southern desert of Dubai against the backdrop of Persian Gulf beaches, but it's not another skyscraper to grace the futuristic sheikhdom. Instead, it's one of mankind's oldest power sources gaining ...

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