
First autonomous car demonstration in Luxembourg traffic

The University of Luxembourg's Interdisciplinary Center for Security, Reliability and Trust (SnT) demonstrated its autonomous car in live traffic on Kirchberg today, Thursday, November 3, 2022. This represents the first time ...

Consumer & Gadgets

How we made a video game based on medieval records

The year is 1498. The town of Aberdeen in north-east Scotland has fallen prey to a "strange sickness" that is the deadly plague. Disease is spreading in Europe, and people are afraid, but how can the sickness be stopped?

Hi Tech & Innovation

Developing intelligent cameras that can learn

Intelligent cameras could be one step closer thanks to a research collaboration between the Universities of Bristol and Manchester who have developed cameras that can learn and understand what they are seeing.

Hi Tech & Innovation

Deployable human-scale immersive virtual environments?

Imagine being inside Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute's Collaborative Research Augmented Immersive Virtual Environment Laboratory (CRAIVE Lab), which features a front-projection 360-degree panoramic display to immerse you ...

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