Machine learning & AI

Detecting planted structures in random graphs

Many complex systems can be modeled as irregular networks, with hubs and communities. Researcher Kay Martin Bogerd of the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science has investigated how existing community detection methods ...

Energy & Green Tech

New tech brings resilience to small-town hydropower

Idaho National Laboratory (INL) has celebrated the ribbon-cutting of its new Microgrid in a Box, which was deployed in partnership with the Fall River Electric Cooperative at its hydropower plant in rural Idaho.

Energy & Green Tech

California's rooftop-solar boom leaves equity gap

California leads the nation in the adoption of rooftop solar systems, but information on which communities do, and do not, benefit from these installations has been limited to broad income classifications and anecdotal observations. ...

Hi Tech & Innovation

Driverless cars are forcing cities to become smart

Autonomous vehicles are coming and they have the potential to radically better our lives. But to reap the rewards of this new technology, we first have to adapt the world to its requirements. This means preparing the way ...

Energy & Green Tech

Does 'Goal 7, Energy for All' need a rethink?

Goal 7 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) aims to ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all by 2030. Yet according to new research by Copenhagen Business School the poor planning ...

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