Machine learning & AI

Researchers enhance peripheral vision in AI models

Peripheral vision enables humans to see shapes that aren't directly in our line of sight, albeit with less detail. This ability expands our field of vision and can be helpful in many situations, such as detecting a vehicle ...

Computer Sciences

Researchers' approach may protect quantum computers from attacks

Quantum computers, which can solve several complex problems exponentially faster than classical computers, are expected to improve artificial intelligence (AI) applications deployed in devices like autonomous vehicles; however, ...

Machine learning & AI

New research works to improve image classification and analysis

A new field promises to usher in a new era of using machine learning and computer vision to tackle small and large-scale questions about the biology of organisms around the globe. The field of imageomics aims to help explore ...

Computer Sciences

Researchers reach new AI benchmark for computer graphics

Computer graphic simulations can represent natural phenomena such as tornados, underwater, vortices, and liquid foams more accurately thanks to an advancement in creating artificial intelligence (AI) neural networks.

Computer Sciences

Building a supercomputer on wheels

Modern cars are packed full of electronics. Managing all the computers and assistance systems is a complex task, and the cable harnesses increase the weight of the car. In the joint research project CeCaS, Fraunhofer researchers ...

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