Machine learning & AI

Why does AI beat humans at the strategy game Diplomacy?

In Diplomacy, a strategy game set on the eve of World War I, success hinges not on luck but the ability to negotiate. Players, each representing the armed forces of a European superpower, spend much of their time building ...


US companies' global market reach linked to cloud computing use

U.S. firms that use cloud-computing services are more likely to export their products and services, according to a new study by researchers at Penn State and the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF). The team said the findings ...

Electronics & Semiconductors

China's top chipmaker reports Q2 plunge in profits

Leading Chinese chipmaker SMIC announced Thursday a sharp year-on-year drop in profits during the second quarter, as a domestic price war and technological rivalry between Beijing and Washington show no signs of abating.


Thinking about the rise of brain-inspired computing

The recent widespread and long-lasting chaos caused by Microsoft outages across the globe exemplifies just how integral computing has become to our lives. Yet, as computer hardware and software improve, arguably the most ...

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