
Learning to combat DDOS attacks

Denial of service (DOS) and distributed denial of service (DDOS) attacks on computer systems are a major concern to those charged with keeping online services running and protecting systems and those who use them. Such intrusions ...


Engineers develop a robotic hand with a gecko-inspired grip

Across a vast array of robotic hands and clamps, there is a common foe: The heirloom tomato. You may have seen a robotic gripper deftly pluck an egg or smoothly palm a basketball—but, unlike human hands, one gripper is ...

Computer Sciences

AI points the way to better doctor-patient communication

A computer analysis of hundreds of thousands of secure email messages between doctors and patients found that most doctors use language that is too complex for their patients to understand. The study also uncovered strategies ...

Hi Tech & Innovation

AI-driven tool makes it easy to personalize 3D-printable models

As 3D printers have become cheaper and more widely accessible, novice makers within a rapidly growing community are fabricating their own objects. To do this, many of these amateur artisans access free, open-source repositories ...

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