Electronics & Semiconductors

Tactile tattoos to make virtual worlds tangible

Virtual and augmented reality (VR and AR), often combined under the term 'extended reality (XR)', are increasingly losing their niche status and entering the mass market. Think of the metaverse, gaming, applications in industry ...

Electronics & Semiconductors

From bits to p-bits: One step closer to probabilistic computing

Tohoku University scientists in Japan have developed a mathematical description of what happens within tiny magnets as they fluctuate between states when an electric current and magnetic field are applied. Their findings, ...


Acoustic touch: Vision via sound for the blind

Australian researchers have developed cutting-edge technology known as "acoustic touch" that helps people "see" using sound. The technology has the potential to transform the lives of those who are blind or have low vision.

Computer Sciences

Observing time crystals on a quantum computer

When you hear the words "time crystal" you could be forgiven for imagining something fantastic like a magic crystal ball or a device for time travel. But time crystals are very real, although they are a bit like magic.

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