Computer Sciences

Women are beautiful, men rational

Men are typically described by words that refer to behavior, while adjectives ascribed to women tend to be associated with physical appearance. This, according to a group of computer scientists from the University of Copenhagen ...


Researchers figure out optimal stiffness-toughness trade-off

Using 3D printing, researchers at the U of A and Massachusetts Institute of Technology have developed a novel approach for achieving an optimal combination of stiffness and toughness in microstructured composites.

Machine learning & AI

This 'lemon' could help machine learning create better drugs

One of the challenges in using machine learning for drug development is to create a process for the computer to extract needed information from a pool of data points. Drug scientists must pull biological data and train the ...


Securing systems from cyber-physical system hackers

When it comes to computer security, there are three main objectives: confidentiality—ensuring no one can steal your data; integrity—ensuring that your data has not been changed in any unauthorized way; and availability—making ...

Computer Sciences

How to build a computer with free will

Do you have free will? Can you make your own decisions? Or are you more like an automaton, just moving as required by your constituent parts? Probably, like most people, you feel you have something called free will. Your ...

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