Machine learning & AI

Physical systems perform machine-learning computations

You may not be able to teach an old dog new tricks, but Cornell researchers have found a way to train physical systems, ranging from computer speakers and lasers to simple electronic circuits, to perform machine-learning ...

Computer Sciences

A language for quantum computing

Time crystals. Microwaves. Diamonds. What do these three disparate things have in common?

Electronics & Semiconductors

AI may soon predict how electronics fail

Think of them as master Lego builders, only at an atomic scale. Engineers at CU Boulder have taken a major step forward in combing advanced computer simulations with artificial intelligence to try to predict how electronics, ...


Twitter data reveals global communication network

Twitter mentions show distinct community structure patterns resulting from communication preferences of individuals affected by physical distance between users and commonalities, such as shared language and history.

Computer Sciences

First proof of quantum computer advantage

For many years, quantum computers were not much more than an idea. Today, companies, governments and intelligence agencies are investing in the development of quantum technology. Robert König, professor for the theory of ...

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