Computer Sciences

Study shows ChatGPT writes better school essays than students

In a study published in Scientific Reports, a research team from the University of Passau compared the quality of machine-generated content with essays written by secondary school students. The upshot: The AI-based chatbot ...


New computing hardware needs a theoretical basis, says study

There is an intense, worldwide search for novel materials to build computer microchips with that are not based on classic transistors but on much more energy-saving, brain-like components. However, whereas the theoretical ...

Computer Sciences

Cloud services without servers: What's behind it

A new generation of cloud services is on the rise. It is based on the paradigm of "serverless computing," which is an active research topic at the Institute for Computer Science in Würzburg.

Computer Sciences

Why ChatGPT isn't conscious—but future AI systems might be

In June 2022, Google engineer Blake Lemoine made headlines by claiming the company's LaMDA chatbot had achieved sentience. The software had the conversational ability of a precocious seven-year-old, Lemoine said, and we should ...

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