Computer Sciences

Large computer language models carry environmental, social risks

Computer engineers at the world's largest companies and universities are using machines to scan through tomes of written material. The goal? Teach these machines the gift of language. Do that, some even claim, and computers ...


Underwater soft robot inspired by the brittle star

Soft robots are better suited to certain situations than traditional robots. When interacting with an environment, humans or other living things, the inherent softness built into the structure of a robot made of rubber, for ...


Earable computing: A new research area in the making

CSL's Systems and Networking Research Group (SyNRG) is defining a new sub-area of mobile technology that they call "earable computing." The team believes that earphones will be the next significant milestone in wearable devices, ...

Computer Sciences

Living with autonomous systems 'we can trust'

Autonomous systems are affecting virtually all aspects of society, so future designs must be guided by a broad range of societal stakeholders. That's according to a new report led by scientists in the Oden Institute for Computational ...

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