
New record set for cracking encryption keys

An international team of computer scientists had set a new record for two of the most important computational problems that are the basis for nearly all of the public-key cryptography that is currently used in the real world.


Wayve unveils self-driving car trials in central London

Wayve, a machine learning company, founded in 2017 by alumni Dr. Alex Kendall, who completed his Ph.D. in Professor Roberto Cipolla's Machine Intelligence group, and Dr. Amar Shah, who completed his Ph.D. in Professor Zoubin ...


Huawei eyes computer market as US squeezes telecom business

Huawei will step up its presence in the global market for computer hardware, a top company official said on Wednesday, as the Chinese telecom giant weathers a US assault on its 5G network and smartphone business.


Ma vs Musk: tech tycoons spar on future of AI

Jack Ma believes artificial intelligence poses no threat to humanity, but Elon Musk called that "famous last words" as the billionaire tech tycoons faced off Thursday in an occasionally animated debate on futurism in Shanghai.

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