
Mismanaged cloud services put user data at risk

Organizations' failure to properly manage the servers they lease from cloud service providers can allow attackers to receive private data, research my colleagues and I conducted has shown.

Computer Sciences

What could possibly go wrong with virtual reality?

YouTube is a treasure trove of virtual reality fails: users tripping, colliding into walls and smacking inanimate and animate objects. By investigating these "VR fails' on YouTube, researchers at the University of Copenhagen ...


Cybercops derail malware botnet, FBI makes ransomware arrest

European and North American cyber cops have joined forces to disrupt what may be the world's largest network for seeding malware infections, striking a major blow against criminal gangs that have been using it for years to ...


Algorithm can help boost the popularity of social media posts

Computer scientists created a new algorithm to recommend tags for social media posts which should boost the popularity of the post in question. This algorithm takes into account more kinds of information than previous algorithms ...


EU opens antitrust probe into Microsoft over Teams

The European Commission on Thursday announced an antitrust probe into Microsoft bundling its Teams communications app with its popular Office suite, on concerns the firm could be cutting out competitors.

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