Energy & Green Tech

Efficient and mild: Recycling of used lithium-ion batteries

Lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) provide our portable devices like tablets and mobiles—and increasingly also vehicles—with power. As the share of volatile renewable energy needing electricity storage increases, more and more ...

Electronics & Semiconductors

Tough memory device aims for space missions

Among the many hazards encountered by space probes, exposure to radiation and huge temperature swings pose particular challenges for their electronic circuits. Now KAUST researchers have invented the first ever flash memory ...


Self-driving cars can make traffic slower: Study

A new study finds that "connected" vehicles, which share data with each other wirelessly, significantly improve travel time through intersections—but automated vehicles can actually slow down travel time through intersections ...

Energy & Green Tech

Less power, lower emissions: improving AC technology

With air conditioner demand surging, scientists are looking for ways to improve the energy efficiency of cooling systems and limit damaging emissions that accelerate global warming.

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