
City buildings could blow air taxi future off course

The air taxi market is almost ready for take off, with companies such as Boeing, Hyundai, Airbus and Toyota building fleets to have commuters flitting through the sky. Europe and the U.S. have both drafted new rules to pave ...

Energy & Green Tech

Hybrid cathode enables scalable high-performance hydrogen generation

A research group led by Prof. Lu Zhiyi from the Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology and Engineering (NIMTE) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) has proposed a facile and cost-effective strategy to synthesize a hybrid ...

Computer Sciences

Researchers use AI to identify similar materials in images

A robot manipulating objects while, say, working in a kitchen, will benefit from understanding which items are composed of the same materials. With this knowledge, the robot would know to exert a similar amount of force whether ...


Studying the effects of crypto mining on Texas power grid

Cryptocurrency transactions may be costing more than just transaction fees. The electricity used for these transactions is more than what some countries, like Argentina and Australia, use in an entire year.

Energy & Green Tech

Unlocking the power of photosynthesis for clean energy production

As the world faces an increasing demand for clean and sustainable energy sources, scientists are turning to the power of photosynthesis for inspiration. With the goal of developing new, environmentally friendly techniques ...

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