Energy & Green Tech

Researchers hunt for new solutions for Norwegian offshore wind

"We know a great deal about windmills on land, and something about fixed-bottom wind turbines at sea, but much less about floating wind turbines," says Geir Grasmo, Professor at the University of Agder (UiA).


Low-carbon reorientation in the declining steel industry

MIOIR Researchers Professor Frank Geels and Dr. Julian Gregory conducted a longitudinal analysis of coevolving contexts and company strategies in the U.K. steel industry. While the existing literature makes important analyses ...


Special drone collects environmental DNA from trees

Ecologists are increasingly using traces of genetic material left behind by living organisms left behind in the environment, called environmental DNA (eDNA), to catalog and monitor biodiversity. Based on these DNA traces, ...


Artificial intelligence to help prevent illegal construction

Unmanned aerial vehicles, drones, are no longer a surprise to passers-by during events or on a sunny afternoon in the city center. Drones, which have long been used in warfare, are now popular not only with professional and ...

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