
Predicting political flux from emotional Twitter updates

Predictive analytics on social media has become an important tool and research in the International Journal of Data Mining, Modelling and Management looks at how it might be used to extract emotional context from the information-rich ...

Machine learning & AI

Training computers to tease out the subtext behind the text

It is hard enough for humans to interpret the deeper meaning and context of social media and news articles. Asking computers to do it is a nearly impossible task. Even C-3PO, fluent in over 6 million forms of communication, ...

Computer Sciences

Algorithm could quash Twitter abuse of women

Online abuse targeting women, including threats of harm or sexual violence, has proliferated across all social media platforms but QUT researchers have developed a statistical model to help drum it out of the Twittersphere.


Study: Online trackers follow health site visitors

Internet trackers are more likely to follow people who visit popular health sites, such as and, to other types of sites, a Cornell Tech study has found—suggesting that advertisers might be more ...

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