
Opinion: What war in Ukraine means for cyber security in Europe

As bombs and missiles tragically rain on Ukrainian cities, so do another kind of armament: cyber weapons. This new generation of weaponry replaces explosives with destructive software (malware) and missile launchers with ...

Consumer & Gadgets

Researchers find smart faucets could aid in water conservation

Barely hidden from his study participants, William Jou, a former graduate student in mechanical engineering at Stanford University, pulled off a ruse straight out of The Wizard of Oz. Except, instead of impersonating a great ...

Hi Tech & Innovation

Increasing fire protection through virtual reality

Fire is one of the most dreaded anxieties in households worldwide. In 2018 Dutch insurance companies registered no less than 80,000 domestic fires. The most common cause is smoking, followed by technical malfunctions in appliances ...


New research puts your online privacy preferences to the test

When it comes to privacy, you've probably heard some say they "don't care about privacy if there's nothing to hide." Typically, someone who says this is not taking into account that you may have strong beliefs on the very ...


China tightens political control of internet giants

The ruling Communist Party is tightening political control over China's internet giants and tapping their wealth to pay for its ambitions to reduce reliance on U.S. and European technology.

Computer Sciences

Fact-checking found to influence recommender algorithms

In January 2017, Reddit users read about an alleged case of terrorism in a Spanish supermarket. What they didn't know was that nearly every detail of the stories, taken from several tabloid publications and amplified by Reddit's ...


How to harness social influence for good

Thanks to TikTok, Twitter, Instagram et al, we are living in the age of social influence. But how can influence be harnessed to make the world a better place?

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