
The first endovascular technology that can explore capillaries

At EPFL, Lucio Pancaldi, a Ph.D. student, and Selman Sakar, an assistant professor, have harnessed hydrokinetic energy (mechanical energy resulting from the motion of liquids) to get an instrument into places in the human ...

Consumer & Gadgets

Researchers find smart faucets could aid in water conservation

Barely hidden from his study participants, William Jou, a former graduate student in mechanical engineering at Stanford University, pulled off a ruse straight out of The Wizard of Oz. Except, instead of impersonating a great ...


Protecting our energy infrastructure from cyberattack

Almost every day, news headlines announce another security breach and the theft of credit card numbers and other personal information. While having one's credit card stolen can be annoying and unsettling, a far more significant, ...

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