Energy & Green Tech

Developing EV battery enclosures with lower carbon emissions

More charging power, higher range, lower environmental impact: In the COOLBat joint research project, researchers from the Fraunhofer Institute for Machine Tools and Forming Technology IWU have teamed up with partners to ...


Creating loops of liquid lithium for fusion temperature control

Fusion vessels have a Goldilocks problem: The plasma within needs to be hot enough to generate net power, but if it's too hot, it can damage the vessel's interior. Researchers at the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) ...

Energy & Green Tech

Sealing homes' leaky HVAC systems: A sneaky good climate solution

There's a hidden scourge making homes more harmful to the climate and less comfortable: leaky heating and cooling systems. Plugging those leaks may be the dull stepchild of the energy transition, but that doesn't make it ...

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