
Meta withheld information on Instagram, WhatsApp deals: FTC

Meta Platforms Inc. withheld information from federal regulators during their original reviews of the Instagram and WhatsApp acquisitions, the U.S. Federal Trade Commission said in a court filing as part of a lawsuit seeking ...


Bankrupt FTX sells stake in hot AI startup Anthropic

FTX, the bankrupt company once run by disgraced crypto king Sam Bankman-Fried, will sell two-thirds of its shares in hot AI startup Anthropic for $880 million, a court filing said on Monday.


US lawyer sorry after ChatGPT creates 'bogus' cases

What happened when a US lawyer used ChatGPT to prepare a court filing? The artificial intelligence program invented fake cases and rulings, leaving the attorney rather red-faced.


$740M in crypto assets recovered in FTX bankruptcy so far

The company tasked with locking down the assets of the failed cryptocurrency exchange FTX said they've managed to recover and secure $740 million in assets so far, a fraction of the potential billions of dollars likely missing ...


Size, scope of FTX failure gets clearer as users fear worst

Just days after cryptocurrency's third-largest exchange collapsed, the public is starting to get an idea of how messy FTX's bankruptcy case could be. Other crypto firms are failing as a result of FTX's unraveling, events ...

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