
Study sheds light on shady world of text message phishing scams

Researchers have collected and analyzed an unprecedented amount of data on SMS phishing attacks, shedding light on both the scope and nature of SMS phishing operations. The work also outlines techniques that can be used to ...

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Bank card number

The numbers found on credit cards and bank cards have a certain amount of internal structure, and share a common numbering scheme. Credit card numbers are a special case of ISO/IEC 7812 bank card numbers.

An ISO/IEC 7812 number contains a single-digit Major Industry Identifier (MII), a six-digit Issuer Identification Number (IIN), an account number, and a single digit check sum calculated using the Luhn algorithm. The MII is considered to be part of the IIN.

The term "Issuer Identification Number" (IIN) replaces the previously used "Bank Identification Number" (BIN). See ISO/IEC 7812 for more information.

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