Energy & Green Tech

Peak in oil demand 'in sight' before end of decade: IEA

Global oil demand could peak before the end of this decade as the energy crisis has accelerated the transition to cleaner technologies, the International Energy Agency said Wednesday.

Energy & Green Tech

Artificial intelligence could secure the power supply

Reza Arghandeh from the Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (HVL), Hossein Farahmand (NTNU) and their team are studying how hydropower producers can make better use of natural resources and flex with the market ...

Energy & Green Tech

Europe's largest nuclear reactor enters service in Finland

Hours after Germany closed out its atomic era by turning off its last three nuclear reactors, the largest single reactor in Europe entered regular production in Finland, its operator said Sunday.


Regret and blame in Silicon Valley after bank run

The nearly overnight collapse of Silicon Valley Bank has left the US tech scene in shock, wondering how one of its most valued institutions could vanish so suddenly, shunned by the companies that used it most.


Low-carbon reorientation in the declining steel industry

MIOIR Researchers Professor Frank Geels and Dr. Julian Gregory conducted a longitudinal analysis of coevolving contexts and company strategies in the U.K. steel industry. While the existing literature makes important analyses ...

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