
New approach uses generative AI to imitate human motion

An international group of researchers has created a new approach to imitating human motion by combining central pattern generators (CPGs) and deep reinforcement learning (DRL). The method not only imitates walking and running ...

Energy & Green Tech

Ion thermoelectric conversion devices for near room temperature

The electrode sheet of a thermoelectric device consists of ionic hydrogel, which is sandwiched between the electrodes to form, and the Prussian blue on the electrode undergoes a redox reaction to improve the energy density ...

Electronics & Semiconductors

Harvesting vibrational energy from 'colored noise'

The energy demands of today's ubiquitous small electronic devices—including sensors, data transmitters, medical implants and 'wearable' consumer products such as Fitbits—can no longer be met by chemical batteries alone. ...


Why batteries come in so many sizes and shapes

If you've looked in your utility drawer lately, you may have noticed the various shapes, sizes and types of batteries that power your electronic devices. First, there are the round, non-rechargeable button cells for your ...

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