Machine learning & AI

'Extreme boosting' AI model can cut through social media 'noise'

Social media offers a treasure trove of data for researchers to understand how organizations and individuals use the technology to communicate with and grow their base of followers. However, manually analyzing the content ...


Is a train's risk of derailment affected by its length?

Longer freight trains are more likely to derail compared with shorter trains, according to new research published in Risk Analysis. The increased risk held even after accounting for the need for fewer trains if more cars ...


New method could reshape future software development

Sebastian Hönel from Linnaeus University has, in his computer science dissertation, introduced a new method to measure and enhance the quality of software processes. The method focuses on understanding how software is developed ...


Digital divide hinders rural innovation, study shows

Cloud-based computing directly contributes to business innovation, but rural businesses lacking sufficient broadband capacity to access cloud services are missing out on their innovation-boosting potential, according to a ...

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