Proposed health code app sparks anger in China

A Chinese local government's proposal for a post-coronavirus health app that ranks citizens based on their smoking, drinking, exercise and sleep habits has sparked fury online over privacy concerns.


Snowden warns of Web giants' 'irresistible power'

Technology has given internet giants "irresistible power" when they work in concert with governments, whistleblower Ed Snowden told the Web Summit that opened in Lisbon on Monday.


Cell-mostly internet users place privacy burden on themselves

A new report from the Media, Inequality and Change (MIC) Center—a joint project of the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania and the School of Communication and Information at Rutgers University—details ...


China propaganda app fraught with security concerns: report

A widely downloaded Chinese propaganda app that quizzes users on Communist Party heroes and military achievements may be "studying them right back" through data collection and potential security breaches, an internet freedom ...

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