
China passes tough new online privacy law

China passed a sweeping privacy law aimed at preventing businesses from collecting sensitive personal data Friday, as the country faces an uptick in internet scams and Beijing targets tech giants hoovering up personal data.

Machine learning & AI

Everyday AI: How artificial intelligence is shaping sports

The hush of anticipation. The pop of a perfectly centered racquet hitting the ball. The sharp squeak of shoes scuffing against the court. These are the unmistakable sounds of a tennis match. We know them well. But could you ...


As US Congress delays on privacy, California law in focus

As US lawmakers head home without agreeing on consumer privacy legislation, a new California law is set to become the de facto national standard, potentially leaving consumers and businesses confused over rules for personal ...


Biggest fines under EU privacy law

The European Union rolled out its mammoth data privacy regulation five years ago this week, and has since handed down billions in fines.

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