
A battery-free sensor for underwater exploration

To investigate the vastly unexplored oceans covering most our planet, researchers aim to build a submerged network of interconnected sensors that send data to the surface—an underwater "internet of things." But how to supply ...


Better video streaming when WiFi is scarce

In an era when the average U.S. household has five internet-connected devices, web surfers may often feel like they're always fighting over scraps of WiFi. How can a whole family all binge their favorite shows without somebody's ...


Google clarifies location-tracking policy

Google has revised a help page that erroneously described how its "Location History" setting works, clarifying for users that it still tracks their location even if they turn the setting off.


Researchers send messages using household chemicals

Nearing the completion of his master's degree in computer engineering and computer science at York University in Ontario, Canada, Nariman Farsad was considering pursuing further study elsewhere. But his supervisor, Andrew ...

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