Hi Tech & Innovation

A three-stage authentication system for the metaverse

In recent years, many computer scientists have been exploring the notion of metaverse, an online space in which users can access different virtual environments and immersive experiences, using VR and AR headsets. While navigating ...

Consumer & Gadgets

Q&A: Why Microsoft Word might stop printing, and how to fix it

Q: Several months ago, my copy of Microsoft Word 2010 ceased being able to print documents. I get the error message "There is insufficient memory or disk space. Word cannot display the requested font." (I get the same message ...


Team builds first hacker-resistant cloud software system

Whenever you buy something on Amazon, your customer data is automatically updated and stored on thousands of virtual machines in the cloud. For businesses like Amazon, ensuring the safety and security of the data of its millions ...


China launches 6-month campaign to clean up apps

China's industry ministry has announced a 6-month campaign to clean up what it says are serious problems with internet apps violating consumer rights, cyber security and "disturbing market order."

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