Machine learning & AI

Everything AI?

Artificial intelligence is having a growing impact on our daily lives and is also revolutionizing research. ETH Zurich recognizes its responsibility in this area and is striving to promote innovation and trust in this fast-evolving ...


Digital divide hinders rural innovation, study shows

Cloud-based computing directly contributes to business innovation, but rural businesses lacking sufficient broadband capacity to access cloud services are missing out on their innovation-boosting potential, according to a ...

Computer Sciences

A new tool for data scientists and biologists and more

The social network Linkedin will tell a user how he/she is connected to another. In real life, points of connection are not always that evident. However, identifying patterns or relationships and commonalities among entities ...

Computer Sciences

Can we trust scientific discoveries made using machine learning?

Rice University statistician Genevera Allen says scientists must keep questioning the accuracy and reproducibility of scientific discoveries made by machine-learning techniques until researchers develop new computational ...

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