
Crowdsourcing challenge to de-identify public safety data sets

The U.S. Department of Commerce's National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has launched a crowdsourcing challenge to spur new methods to ensure that important public safety data sets can be de-identified to protect ...

Computer Sciences

Storage tool adapts to what its datasets' users want to search

Big data has gotten really, really big: By 2025, all the world's data will add up to an estimated 175 trillion gigabytes. For a visual, if you stored that amount of data on DVDs, it would stack up tall enough to circle the ...

Machine learning & AI

Artificial intelligence for machine tool maintenance

In mechanical engineering, maintaining and replacing defective components timely in machine tools is an important part of the manufacturing process. In the case of ball screw drives, such as those used in lathes to precisely ...

Energy & Green Tech

What's culture got to do with energy consumption?

An EU initiative has launched an online interactive data set of sustainable energy initiatives across Europe. The database could help policymakers reduce greenhouse gas emissions and decarbonise the economy.

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