Electronics & Semiconductors

Next-generation computer chip with two heads

EPFL engineers have developed a computer chip that combines two functions—logic operations and data storage—into a single architecture, paving the way to more efficient devices. Their technology is particularly promising ...

Energy & Green Tech

Data centers use less energy than you think

If the world is using more and more data, then it must be using more and more energy, right? Not so, says a comprehensive new analysis.


Paw patrol: Sony offers robocop dog at home

Sony's puppy-sized robot dog aibo, equipped with cameras, artificial intelligence and internet capability, can now remotely check up on family members, children or even pets, the Japanese electronics giant said Wednesday.


Spain's Aragon, Europe's new cloud storage oasis

The world's biggest technology firms are investing billions in cloud storage facilities in the northeastern Spanish region of Aragon, drawn to its abundance of renewable energy sources.

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