Energy & Green Tech

Deep learning model could improve oil extraction

A research team from Skoltech introduced a model to facilitate the planning stage of oil well development. It will help obtain important data about a well—for example, the model can compare a prospective well with those ...


Nuclear expansion failure shows simulations require change

The widespread adoption of nuclear power was predicted by computer simulations more than four decades ago but the continued reliance on fossil fuels for energy shows these simulations need improvement, a new study has shown.


AI copilots set to engage the future of air combat

The future of military conflict is inseparable from the development of artificial intelligence (AI). The battlefield of the future will be redefined by the fielding of intelligent autonomous systems operating at machine speed ...

Hi Tech & Innovation

How to make robots that we can trust

Self-driving cars, personal assistants, cleaning robots, smart homes - these are just some examples of autonomous systems.


Musk delays Twitter relaunch after fake account frenzy

Twitter's new owner Elon Musk on Tuesday postponed the relaunch of the site's paid subscription service after a first attempt saw an embarrassing spate of fake accounts that scared advertisers.

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Decision making

Decision making can be regarded as an outcome of mental processes (cognitive process) leading to the selection of a course of action among several alternatives. Every decision making process produces a final choice. The output can be an action or an opinion of choice.

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