
AI discovers that not every fingerprint is unique

From "Law and Order" to "CSI," not to mention real life, investigators have used fingerprints as the gold standard for linking criminals to a crime. But if a perpetrator leaves prints from different fingers in two different ...


Brain-inspired artificial intelligence in robots

Research groups at KAIST, the University of Cambridge, Japan's National Institute for Information and Communications Technology, and Google DeepMind argue that our understanding of how humans make intelligent decisions has ...

Machine learning & AI

Ten ways artificial intelligence will shape the next five years

Over the past year, artificial intelligence has made a significant impact on the world. While most of us have noticed the advancements in text and image tools like ChatGPT and Midjourney, a deeper revolution is happening ...


Tiny device mimics human vision and memory abilities

Researchers have created a small device that "sees" and creates memories in a similar way to humans, in a promising step towards one day having applications that can make rapid, complex decisions such as in self-driving cars.

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