Electronics & Semiconductors

Ancient art of kirigami meets AI for better materials design

Kirigami is the Japanese art of paper cutting. Likely derived from the Chinese art of jiǎnzhǐ, it emerged around the 7th century in Japan, where it was used to decorate temples. Still in practice today, the kirigami artist ...

Energy & Green Tech

Breaking barriers in solar energy

Stop for a moment and imagine an efficient highway system. No need to jockey for position, no choke-point merging from three lanes into one, no long idles at ill-timed traffic lights, no rolling roadblocks as the motorist ...

Energy & Green Tech

Pine and poplar wood improve sunlight-driven water purification

Engineers at the University of Maryland have found that porous types of wood from trees like poplar and pine can greatly increase the efficiency of water-to-steam conversion under sunlight. The findings, published November ...

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Deposition or Depose may refer to:

The Deposition can also refer to depictions of Christ's descent from the cross, as in:

The Deposition can also refer to:

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