Computer Sciences

New tool detects AI-generated videos with 93.7% accuracy

Earlier this year, an employee at a multinational corporation sent fraudsters $25 million. The instructions to transfer the money came—the employee thought—straight from the company's CFO. In reality, the criminals had ...


LiDAR and radar sensors—space-saving headlight installation

People use their eyes and ears to pick up on traffic situations involving potential hazards. For self-driving vehicles to do the same thing, they need a whole host of sensors. As the number of sensors they contain increases, ...

Computer Sciences

Algorithms inspired by nature sustain wireless sensor networks

Wireless sensor networks have many applications in environmental monitoring, safety and control monitoring of industrial processes, in healthcare, and in disaster management. To be effective the devices, the sensors, must ...


World's fastest open-source intrusion detection is here

Intrusion detection systems are the invisible intelligence agencies in computer networks. They scan every packet of data that is passed through the network, looking for signs of any one of the tens of thousands of different ...

Machine learning & AI

Artificial Intelligence also has illusory perceptions

Researchers from the Image Processing Laboratory (IPL) of the University of Valencia and the Department of Information and Communication Technologies (DTIC) of the Pompeu Fabra University (UPF) have shown that convolutional ...

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