Energy & Green Tech

Nanofluidic device generates power with saltwater

There is a largely untapped energy source along the world's coastlines: the difference in salinity between seawater and freshwater. A new nanodevice can harness this difference to generate power.

Energy & Green Tech

Efficient and mild: Recycling of used lithium-ion batteries

Lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) provide our portable devices like tablets and mobiles—and increasingly also vehicles—with power. As the share of volatile renewable energy needing electricity storage increases, more and more ...


Computation model paves the way for more efficient energy systems

About 70% of the energy we use in everyday life is wasted in the form of heat, produced by engines, factories, and electrical devices. However, researchers from EPFL's School of Engineering have made a significant theoretical ...

Energy & Green Tech

Bio-inspired solar devices boost stability, efficiency

Borrowing from cell membranes, the protective barriers around cells in all living organisms, Penn State scientists have developed a new, cost-effective method for creating bio-inspired solar devices that could improve the ...


3D display could soon bring touch to the digital world

Imagine an iPad that's more than just an iPad—with a surface that can morph and deform, allowing you to draw 3D designs, create haiku that jump out from the screen and even hold your partner's hand from an ocean away.

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