
Digital platforms: Making the world a more complicated place

Digital platforms, the websites and apps which compete for our precious screen time, have successfully invaded the traditional territory of many sectors of the "old economy." They have become the preferred—expected, even—domains ...

California law on rideshare drivers may hurt 'gig economy'

Labor activists Wednesday were celebrating California's move to have drivers treated as employees by rideshare firms even as it fueled concerns it will hurt digital platforms depending on the so-called "gig economy."


Cell-mostly internet users place privacy burden on themselves

A new report from the Media, Inequality and Change (MIC) Center—a joint project of the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania and the School of Communication and Information at Rutgers University—details ...


Australia considers more regulation of Google and Facebook

The Australian government released a report Friday recommending tighter oversight over multinational digital platforms including Google and Facebook, to ensure fairness for other media businesses and give people more control ...

Computer Sciences

How machine learning can break down language and trade barriers

Steep tariffs, challenging geography, government subsidies, and restrictive quotas come to mind when we think about the barriers to international trade. But there are lots of different languages in the world, and translation ...

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