
Cell-mostly internet users place privacy burden on themselves

A new report from the Media, Inequality and Change (MIC) Center—a joint project of the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania and the School of Communication and Information at Rutgers University—details ...


India internet law adds to fears over online speech, privacy

It began in February with a tweet by pop star Rihanna that sparked widespread condemnation of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's handling of massive farmer protests near the capital, souring an already troubled relationship ...

California law on rideshare drivers may hurt 'gig economy'

Labor activists Wednesday were celebrating California's move to have drivers treated as employees by rideshare firms even as it fueled concerns it will hurt digital platforms depending on the so-called "gig economy."


Australia considers more regulation of Google and Facebook

The Australian government released a report Friday recommending tighter oversight over multinational digital platforms including Google and Facebook, to ensure fairness for other media businesses and give people more control ...


So you've been scammed by a deepfake. What can you do?

Earlier this month, a Hong Kong company lost HK$200 million (A$40 million) in a deepfake scam. An employee transferred funds following a video conference call with scammers who looked and sounded like senior company officials.


Germany asks EU to rein in Twitter

Germany appealed to the European Union on Thursday to consider regulating "abrupt" and "arbitrary" decisions at Twitter since Elon Musk's takeover.


Brash tech lobby drives social media battles to Supreme Court

After California passed a law forcing digital platforms to adopt privacy guardrails and safety standards for young users, Carl Szabo had a blunt warning for legislators attending the nation's biggest conference for state ...

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