Energy & Green Tech

NASA data powers energy saving decisions

NASA's long-term, global view of Earth from space includes data on sunlight, wind, temperature and precipitation, all key elements in understanding how our planet works. That same, information is also being put to very practical ...


Canadian extradited to US to face ransomware charges

A Canadian man has been extradited to the United States to face charges in connection with ransomware attacks that netted tens of millions of dollars in cryptocurrency, the Justice Department said Thursday.

Machine learning & AI

Amid ChatGPT outcry, some teachers are inviting AI to class

Under the fluorescent lights of a fifth grade classroom in Lexington, Kentucky, Donnie Piercey instructed his 23 students to try and outwit the "robot" that was churning out writing assignments.


Insider Q&A: T-Mobile pushes internet for virtual school

T-Mobile is pushing to offer internet service to schools that are doing online learning with a program aimed at low-income students who don't have access. In the U.S., millions of students don't have high-speed internet or ...

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