
For-profit firm seeking to run .org names makes concessions

A private equity firm seeking to buy rights to operate the internet's .org suffix said Friday it will cap price hikes and create an advisory board with veto powers to ease concerns from the nonprofit community.


Nonprofits worry sale of dot-org universe will raise costs

The company that controls the dot-org online universe is putting the registry of domain names up for sale, and the nonprofits that often use the suffix in their websites are raising concerns about the move.


Domain name fraud: is the global Internet in danger?

In late February 2019, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), the organization that manages the IP addresses and domain names used on the web, issued a warning on the risks of systemic Internet attacks. ...

Computer Sciences

There's a reason AI is so bad at conversation

"I'm sorry, I didn't quite get that." Anyone who has ever tried to have a deeper conversation with a virtual assistant like Siri knows how frustrating it can be. That's despite the fact that AI systems like it are increasingly ...


New tool detects malicious websites before they cause harm

Malicious websites promoting scams, distributing malware and collecting phished credentials pervade the web. As quickly as we block or blacklist them, criminals set up new domain names to support their activities. Now a research ...

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