
How electric and automated cars are aggravating motion sickness

Around 25-30% of the population regularly suffers from motion sickness—a figure which some reckon to be conservative. Symptoms of this poorly understood illness include nausea, sweating, pallor, hypothermia, headaches and ...


South Korean capital launches self-driving bus experiment

South Korea's capital launched its first self-driving bus route on Friday, part of an experiment that engineers said aims to make people feel more comfortable with driverless vehicles on the roads.


UK public want self-driving cars to be labelled

Nearly nine out of 10 people in the UK (86%) want self-driving vehicles to be labeled so they can be clearly distinguished from human-driven vehicles, according to a major new survey led by UCL researchers.


China grants first driverless taxi permits to Baidu,

China has granted Chinese internet services company Baidu and a rival autonomous car company,, permits to provide driverless ride-hailing services to the public in Beijing, a significant regulatory step in the country's ...

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